Okay, I thought this doggie was cute! Had to post him. He's actually representing how I feel this week. I had such a great time ignoring the troubles of the world. Forgetting about the Evangelicals, the radical Right, the struggle for peace, the Iraq war. It did a body/mind/spirit good!
So, I hope everyone had a worry-free holiday! I hope we can take the spirit of the holidays and spread them throughout the year! I know this year, more than ever, I have realized the intrinsic connection I have to the world. The unbreakable bond of humanity, spirit and will. I have taken more time to understand death, life, -rebirth. Very important concepts to me these days.
Pagan GraceThere are many different varations of this song that have been recored over the years, below is but one of several that has been created.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the Earth
That bore a witch like me
I once was burned, now I survive
Was hung and now I sing.
'Twas Grace that drew down the moonand
Grace that raised the seas.
The magic in the peoples' will
Will set our mother free.
We face the East and breathe the winds
That move across the Earth.
From gentle breeze to hurricane,
Our breath will bring forth change.
Turn toward the South and feel the fire
That burns in you and me.
The spirit's flame will rise again
And burn eternally.
We greet the West, our souls awash
In tides of primal birth.
Our tears and blood, our pain and love
Will cleanse and heal the Earth.
Reach to the North and know your roots
Down deep ancestral caves.
We find the wisdom of the Crone,
"Of circles we are made."
Amazing Earth, enduring life,
From death unto rebirth.
'Tis Earth I am and Earth I love,
And Earth I'll always be.
Goddess Bless, so mote it be.
Our magic spirals on.
Merry meet and merry part,
And merry meet again.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the Earth
That bore a witch like me.
I once was burned, now I survive
Was hung and now I sing.
'Twas Grace that drew down the moon
And Grace that raised the seas.
The magic in the peoples' will
Will set our mother free.
Amazing Earth, enduring life,
From death unto rebirth.
'Tis Earth I am and Earth I love,
And Earth I'll always be.
Goddess Bless, so mote it be.
Our magic spirals on.
Merry meet and merry part,
And merry meet again.